Treatments of our therapists

Invidual and tailored to your needs

Choose from the wide range of services offered by our therapists with different focuses.

Please note that each therapist is only present on certain days/weeks in the Goldener Berg and can only offer treatments in this period.

Vinyasa Yoga (or Vinyasa Flow)

You probably know the "sun salutation". Because the movements flow smoothly into each other, as in the Sun Salutation, this style of yoga is also called Vinyasa Flow. It is important that you synchronize your movements with your breathing. While this style of yoga challenges your body, it also calms your mind.

The flow is: dynamic.

Unit Group Session 60 minutes € 17.00
Unit Private Session 60 minutes € 100.00
Hatha Yoga

When you practice Hatha yoga, you alternate postures slowly and forcefully. A Hatha class also includes breathing exercises and meditations. By the way, "Ha" means sun and "tha" means moon. Yoga connoisseurs interpret it this way: Yoga takes place when opposites unite.

The flow is: slow and powerful.

Unit Group Session 60 minutes € 17.00
Unit Private Session 60 minutes € 100.00
Yin Yoga

Unlike Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga doesn't focus on performing the asanas exactly. Rather, that the poses feel good and that you can hold them without strain - sometimes for up to ten minutes. So the point is to let yourself fall and let your breath flow freely and completely relax yourself and your body.

The flow is: passive and calm.

Unit Group Session 60 minutes € 17.00
Unit Private Session 60 minutes € 100.00
Soul Star Journey with Stephanie Straub

Do you desire a life...
... with a big "Yes!" from the bottom of your heart?
...that arises naturally from your innermost creative power?
...that is fulfilling, powerful and soul-led?

Then the Soul Star Journey is for you!

This journey is a journey to your light, your brightly shining, magical and powerful light.
A journey to your soul star.
A journey to you.

On this journey you will feel your soul power again, learn to understand your heart compass and unleash your creative being!
Ancient blockages across all times & dimensions will be transformed - from this life, your parallel or previous lives and from your ancestral lineage.
Your magnificent creative power will be freed more and more so that you can create the life you truly desire from the bottom of your heart.

Always guided by your guiding star, your Soul Star.

You will receive this powerful Soul Star package

  • 1 Soul Star Vision Session to clarify your purpose, your vision for yourself & clearly strengthen the connection with the Soul Star Chakra (as part of the 7 sessions).
  • 7 transformation sessions of 60min each + integration exercise.
  • WhatsApp/Telegram Support: Answering your questions between sessions or impulses for you - depending on what you need.
  • 7 instructions (pdf or video), meditations (mp3 audio or via chat) or impulses & inspirations (= your personal method box from my tools for your everyday life).
  • 1 Soul Star Recap Session of max. 30min 6-8 weeks after the last appointment for questions or reflection.
  • Soul Star Energy: I hold an energetic field for you throughout the entire process. This way you are protected and your frequency remains high and stable

This package is only offered online.

Dauer ca. 2,5 - 3 Monate (individuell angepasst) € 1,700.00
Soul Light Session with Stephanie Straub
  • Clearing: energetic cleansing
  • Soul Connection: energetic harmonization of your origins, your entry into the present life, including the connection of body, mind and soul.
  • Starseed Healing: transformation of blockages across all times, levels & dimensions
  • Soul Light - How does your soul speak to you? How can you live your soul plan more?
  • Recap Call: 20min reflection & questions after approx. 7 days

The session is divided as follows: 
180 minutes + 20 minutes Relax n'Integrate break + 20 minutes Recap Call / 200 minutes on site, 20 minutes online

220 minutes € 450.00
Energy medicine & Sai Shakti Healings

Essentially, there are three themes that accompany our lives, mostly from the areas of family or partnership, health and profession. In a joint conversation we look at which topic is currently in the foreground for you. With the help of the ancient healing knowledge and the healing art of the Q'ero shamans from South America and from the Vedic healing knowledge from India, I will accompany you in recognizing and transforming heavy energies that have settled in your energy body.

Dauer 60-90 Min. € 198.00
Dauer: 3 Sitzungen € 420.00
Open workshops with Anja Löhning
  • Highest vision session*
  • Special event workshops, incl. end-of-year meditation, new year vision quest, mid-year realignment, life values hierarchy, beliefs & conditioning
  • Healing adventures and physical journeys for children

*Your "Highest Vision" creates itself out of ease and joy while you’re on holiday. It thus carries this energy. Wouldn't it be wonderful to dive into your ideal life and take some of it home with you?

In-between your stays at the Goldener Berg, I can support you online individually and in a structured way. Together, it is so much easier to keep the energy high so that your wishes and dreams come true.

Duration: 60 min / price per participant: € 40.00
1:1 individual coaching sessions with Anja Löhning

For example:

  • Highest Vision Session
  • Acute session in the event of accident, illness or stroke of fate during holidays
  • Parent and child "meet me" session *

*Many issues with children accumulate in everyday school life and often show up massively during the holidays. Unresolved small things turn into holiday crises between parents and children. Why not leave these problems behind at the holiday resort and start over again on a new and freer level of communication? This session is a great gift for everyone: spending true quality time with your child and feeling the deep connection between you. Really listening to each other and finding out how the other is feeling and what’s going on in his life, right now here on holiday but also at home in everyday life.

In-between your stays at the Goldener Berg, I can support you online individually and in a structured way. Together, it is so much easier to keep the energy high so that your wishes and dreams come true.

duration 60-90 min € 198.00
Rise & Shine Journey with Priya Maria Ender

Are you tired of pleasing other people full time, of not being able to say no and of  functioning like a machine? 
What is the price, for not expressing your self and fulfilling your own needs?

Are you looking for ….

  • more self confidence and courage
  • set boundaries and being able to love yourself as you are
  • Dissolving beliefs and living a life full of pease and clarity?

    Then the Rise & Shine Journey is just right for YOU!

What you may expect:

  • welcome and clarification talk about our current situation and needs
  • soul-heart-set unit
  • mind-set unit    
  • individual Rise & Shine exercises, which may be applied into your daily routine
  • final discussion after a week (by phone or video call)

The therapist Priya Maria Ender is available for you on Thursdays and Fridays on request. 

180 minutes € 450.00
Luna Yoga ® Martina Mangova

Enjoyable stretching exercises before or after skiing

Feeling good in your own body

Deep relaxation gets the self-healing powers flowing

Simple and effective exercises for a happy vertebral chain, joints and digestive organs

Hormonal glands are gently stimulated and brought into balance

The therapist Martina Mangova is available on request.

60 minutes € 125.00
60 minutes € 125.00
Hormone Yoga for women / Hormone Yoga for men with Martina Mangova

is a medically proven holistic series of about 30 exercises, for which we need 5 x 60 minutes. 

Suitable as prevention for all.
But especially for women with cycle disorders and irregularities, PMS, PCOS, period pains, migraines, desire for children, premature menopause, hot flashes, sleep disorders, hypothyroidism, etc.
For men, for example: Athletes who want to naturally boost testosterone production and improve performance, completely without negative side effects. Suitable also for loss of vitality, muscle weakness, as prevention of gynecomastia. 

The price includes records for regular practice at home.

The therapist Martina Mangova is available on request.

Astrological coaching – Insights into the personal bith chart with Sabine Maria Frei

Please provide the following details when booking in order for Sabine to prepare the appointment in detail: Full name / date of birth / time of birth to the minute / place of birth and country / current place of residence.

We are all unique - in our character traits, talents and life tasks. We are obviously aware of some of this, while others still lie dormant and undiscovered. Through the personal birth chart we can take a look into our innermost being, explore ourselves in depth and receive impulses for the next upcoming steps.

It deals with questions like...:

  • What are my character traits and the associated inner needs?
  • What do I need to feel comfortable in different life situations?
  • What are my strengths and talents and in which areas can they be used?
  • What am I striving for and where is my powerful life path leading?
  • What do I want to learn and master in this life and what old behaviors do I want to grow beyond?

In an astrological coaching session, I will explore the content of your birth chart with you and tell you a few things about it. At the same time, it is important to me to go beyond the intellectual level together with you in order to make your innermost energies tangible for you. In astrological coaching, I combine factual information with methods of energetic practice in order to bring the forces at work closer to you in a variety of ways.

The therapist Sabine Maria Frei is available every Wednesday on request.



80 minutes € 252.00
Singing bowl therapy with Bergit Sutter

Singing bowl therapy works through fine vibrations or oscillations that occur when the singing bowls are played.
Since we consist mostly of water, the beneficial vibrations are transferred to our body. So to say, every cell of the body is gently massaged, blockages can be dissolved.

The fine vibrations of the singing bowls dissolve tensions and the energy can flow freely again. While the singing bowls are struck, partly next to the body and partly placed directly on the chakras, the recipient experiences a state of calm and deep relaxation.

Ideal for: 

  • Sleep disorders
  • Tension
  • Stress
  • If you want a deep relaxation
  • If you want to come to peace inside

We kindly ask you to wear comfortable clothing during this appointment. The treatment can be done on the floor or on a couch - please indicate your preference when booking.

50 minutes € 104.00
Shamanic energy support with Priya Maria Ender

Most of the time you are accompanied in life by three topics - family, health and work. Together we will discuss which is currently the focus. As an initiate of the ancient healing knowledge and healing art of the Q'ero shamans, Priya accompanies you in recognizing and transforming the heavy energies that have settled in your body.

The therapist Priya Maria Ender is available on request.

Treatment 60-90 min. 90 minutes € 207.00
Reading in the morphic field with Daniela Pfefferkorn

we are all surrounded by energy and connected by this energy. In this, her morphic field are all the information of all times. For important questions about health, job, next step in life, a reading in this field can bring the answers and often confirm the feeling we already have.


30 minutes € 89.00
Alpine bathing with Daniela Pfefferkorn

Fascinating excursion into the nature with breathing techniques, meditation and awareness training.

50 minutes € 125.00
Nutritional counseling with Daniela Pfefferkorn

Talk about where you are now, where maybe the shoe pinches and which nutrition you can definitely lead to an increased well-being in your temple - your body.

Extractions - draining of external power with Daniela Pfefferkorn

Most people are occupied from their childhood but also from past lives with energies that partially or completely deprive the power for the life here. These can be removed on all levels to restore the energy flow in the body and in life.

120 minutes € 190.00
Soul retrieval - reintegrating lost soul parts with Daniela Pfefferkorn

With great traumas, which we all experience and have experienced in past lives, a healthy part of the soul splits off and we feel incomplete. We bring this part back to you so that you feel whole again.

120 minutes € 190.00
Oracle reading with Daniela Pfefferkorn

Do you have an important question? Do you want to change something in your life? What's stopping you? The stone oracle gives you important information and can already set something in motion.


50 minutes € 190.00
Work with the ancestors with Daniela Pfefferkorn

Our ancestors give us our life. Often, however, they still explain to us in adulthood energetically where it goes for us. We learn to lead them back to their own destiny and are free to go our own way.


120 minutes € 190.00
Find your purpose in life with Daniela Pfefferkorn

What did I come into this life for? What is my destiny, where is my journey going? This destiny can be tracked and re-integrated in order to be able to go straight on the path to your own happiness.


30 minutes € 62.00
Thai foot reflexology treatment with neck relaxation Deacidification of the body through the feet with Bergit Sutter

Acid is removed from the body through the feet with a special alkaline foot bath and gentle foot strokes. Organs are harmonized in certain zones. This application can be used primarily to stimulate the flow of energy in the body and to stimulate the circulation and metabolism. This application can be used for disorders in the meridian system or the internal organs, cold feet, as well as weakness or cold conditions.

Therapist Bergit Sutter available on Thursday and Friday upon request.



80 minutes € 147.00
Honey salt back treatment with Bergit Sutter

The Russian-Tibetan back purification massage supports the body in detoxification and deacidification. Special massage techniques such as plucking and kneading activate the metabolism. The honey draws out toxins and binds deeper lying waste products. During this treatment, the skin's blood supply is increased, and adhesions and tensions in the tissue are loosened. 

The alkaline salt additionally supports the elimination and is at the same time a peeling for the skin. As a result, your skin feels smooth, rosy and pleasantly cared for after this treatment. 

An alkaline wrap and a special heat carrier improve lymphatic activity and promote the removal of harmful substances. It would be ideal to use this treatment regularly before symptoms or discomfort appear. This treatment is a real jewel in the field of purification.

Therapist Bergit Suter is available on Thursday and Friday upon request. 

Read more about the therapist here


80 minutes € 153.00
Hot Stone - Heat treatment with Bergit Sutter - Partial body

The heat transported by the stones penetrates deep into the skin, the lymph flow is immediately stimulated, the self-healing powers of the organism are stimulated and the hardened muscles are made supple.

The conscious moment of relaxation helps people to find distance from stressful everyday life. Stress can have a negative effect on the soul, but also on the immune system. Therefore, the relaxation that is achieved here should help to prevent physical and mental/psychological complaints.
With this treatment, you achieve a deep, almost meditative calm, which the heated stone brings into the body.

Read more about the therapist here

50 minutes € 104.00
80 minutes € 153.00
Breuß - a powerful back massage with Bergit Sutter

The application according to Rudolph Breuß, an Austrian therapist, is a delicate but powerful back massage that can release mental, energetic and physical blockages by loosening and gently stretching the spine and sacrum. In particular, the Breuß is very effective for intervertebral disc disorders. Through the special application and by incorporating the St. John's wort oil, the tissue and especially the intervertebral discs should become elastic and supple again. 

Very effective for: intervertebral disc disease - heavy loads on the back - lack of exercise - sleep disorders - depression - tension - hyperactivity in children - pain relief. 

Therapist Bergit Sutter available on Thursday and Friday upon request.

Read more about the therapist here

50 minutes € 104.00
Ba Guan - The art of cupping with Bergit Sutter

The dry or bloodless cupping is energy supplying and ensures that a certain organ will be reactivated. Alternatively, the vibrant cupping therapy can be applied. The combination therapy (cupping with massage) has a special deep impact. That way, the local tissue is well supplied with nutrient through classic cupping

Therapist Bergit Sutter available on Thursday and Friday upon request.

Read more about the therapist here

50 minutes € 104.00
Thai foot reflexology treatment – deacidification of the body via the feet with Bergit Sutter

With a special alkaline foot bath and fine foot strokes, acid is extracted from the body via the feet. This harmonises organs in certain zones. This treatment can be used, above all, to stimulate the flow of energy in the body and to stimulate the circulation or metabolism. This treatment can be used in the case of disorders in the meridian system or the internal organs, cold feet, as well as weakness or cold conditions. 

The therapist Bergit Sutter is available for you on Thursday and Friday on request. 
Read more about the therapist here

80 minutes € 153.00
Healing currents (Jin Shin Jyutsu) - Healing with your own hands with Bergit Sutter

Pain and discomfort let us automatically lay our hands on the respective points and on the important energy points of the body. This imposition of hands harmonizes the body’s energy flows and loosens energy blockades or jams. A whole new well-being and the improvement of your physical, mental and spiritual health are the pleasant result.

The 26 energy points of the healing flow are areas, where blockades usually occur. Additionally, possible energy jams of the surrounding body parts can be released at these points.

Therapist Bergit Sutter available on Thursday and Friday upon request.

Read more about the therapist here

80 minutes € 169.00



In hectic everyday life, it is often difficult to make smart decisions and maintain an inner balance amidst the hustle and bustle. But what if I told you that the key to this already lies within you?


The different methods and techniques of our mentors


Our coaches use various dialogue techniques as well as different forms of help by touching points on the body’s surface. A variety of different therapeutic methods are used. In individual coaching, guidance and impetus is given for steps towards personal and individual development.