Active in the Arlberg region – Lech & hiking

As spring returns, the beauties of nature return to life after a long winter, and with them the spirit of life of hikers.

sommer, 2014, wanderer, wandern, christoph schoech, leki

Fresh air and relaxation – step by step

Hike, run, or walk in the warm months uphill, downhill, through mountain, hill and dale, through fragrant flower meadows, drinking from crystal clear mountain streams, and dip your feet in the turquoise mountain lakes. Lech and hiking are made for each other.

In autumn a remarkable splendour of colours cloaks the Vorarlberger Land region and quietness pervades the mountains. The peaks throw long shadows, and animals prepare themselves for the arrival of the snow.

At a time when environmental influences and weather phenomena are becoming more intense, it is beautiful to be able to enjoy each of the 4 seasons to the full.

Embark on a journey – your journey.

In Lech there are 350 km of hiking paths to enjoy either alone or with a guide.

eine Bergläuferin im Sommerurlaub im Hotel Goldener Berg in Oberlech

High altitude running

Healthy running

Why do people who live in the mountain always look so healthy? Science has delivered the answer. At altitude, air contains less oxygen, and air pressure is lower. This means that less oxygen enters the blood and the body naturally produces more red blood cells in order to increase the capacity for oxygen uptake and transport. Serious athletes already know this and put this knowledge to use before important competitions by pursuing high-altitude training. Enjoy the benefits of the wonderful environment!

Wanderin im Sommerurlaub im Hotel Goldener Berg in Oberlech

Nordic Walking in the Arlberg region

Nordic Walking

The enjoyment of exercise: Nordic walking brings outdoor fans and those with similar interests together in beautiful nature. There are 54 km of marked walking routes simply waiting to be discovered, beginning on your doorstep at the Hotel Goldener Berg.

The region benefits from very varied landscape and different grades of difficulty. There are 13 km of marked Nordic walking routes, and are experts have put together the most beautiful routes for you:

  • Easy (up to 2 km): Lech Promenade
  • Medium (up to 7 km): Zuger Schleife, Weißbach Runde, 2-Täler Runde
  • Difficult (up to 13 km): Lechufer Lauf, Wiesele Trail
  • Vita-Parcours Run

Nordic Walking - Fitness and the pleasure of nature

The Vita-Parcours Run is especially popular with our athletic guests. The 10 different routes have been tested and certified by experts. Signs have been erected detailing directions and lengths so you always know what lies ahead and whether it suits your ability. You can also see how far you have already walked. Along the route there are a total of 12 exercise points at which to stretch and exercise. Follow this up with a refreshing visit to the Kneipp pool.
This quick form of walking using specially designed sticks trains your entire body. The cyclic form of movement leads to a diagonal between your arms and legs, strengthening your arm, back, and leg muscles. The sticks should meet the ground below your body’s centre of gravity. Dragging the sticks and slow walking are pretty ineffectual, what is needed is dynamic movement.

Fancy a mountain adventure?

It’s time to experience the Arlberg region!