Full moon fire ceremony on the Golden Berg

peace | 08/30/2024

While many indigenous peoples are still deeply connected to nature today, we in the West are slowly coming closer to this connection and our roots on earth and in the universe. Our ancestors also celebrated ritual festivals and celebrated transitions - they were deeply connected to the annual cycle and knew how to read the signs in nature. We love to be inspired by cultures from all over the world and to find our way back to this connection, this trust in life. Step by step, we follow our inner voice and the ancient knowledge. On the occasion of the next full moon, we will light a fire on the Golden Berg - a ritual that people have been practising since time immemorial. We would like to invite you to our full moon fire ceremony.

Fire rituals on their origin

Fire possesses the powerful energy of purification. It is magical, purifying and clearing. It also reminds us of our inner light, our life and our strength, whether in its largest form, as in campfires, or in its smallest flames, as in a candle. The tradition of lighting fires on certain occasions is probably as old as fire-making itself. Events such as the full moon, certain times of the year or special occasions in people's lives have always invited them to light fires.

Feel the power of fire - what exactly is a ritual?

Of course, different cultures celebrate different rituals. The deeper you delve into the meaning, the more similar the processes become. Energy follows attention. Intention determines the path. Fire can destroy, but it can also transform and renew. Wood becomes ash. Smoke arises and moves on. The following three aspects can be found in most ceremonies:

  • The intention: Which energy should the ceremony follow? Is it to purify something? Or bring something into being? Do you want to let something go or ask for guidance? The more clearly you ask, the more clearly you will be shown new impulses.
  • The form: Fire is magical. It connects worlds, purifies and can carry wishes into the universe. Its purifying effect and powerful staging have always impressed people.
  • Presence: Where are you right now? Our thoughts and minds are often elsewhere. We are slumbering in the past or trying to solve problems of the future. The ceremonies invite you to be fully present - in the here and now. Feel yourself, feel the heat of the fire, see the flames, smell the smoke. Be there.

Would you like to experience this ancient, magical experience with us? We look forward to welcoming you to the next full moon. For further information, please send an e-mail to: happy@goldenerberg.at.

PS: Would you like to hold a fire ritual for yourself at home? Here is a short guide:

  • Find a suitable place for a fire and get some firewood and kindling.
  • Come fully into the here and now. Define your intention. Whisper your words on small sticks of wood.
  • Connect with the great power of the earth, the universe and the elements and open up your personal, sacred space.
  • Light the fire. Stay mindful, feel into your body and pay attention to the signs on the outside. Observe.
  • When the time is right, hand over your sticks of wood to the flames.
  • Stay by the fire for as long as the process lasts. You will sense when the ceremony is coming to an end.
  • Gratefully close your sacred space and stay until the fire has burnt down.

If you are now afraid of doing something wrong, rest assured: there are no mistakes. There is nothing wrong. Define your intentions clearly and well and follow the energy. You will know what to do.