My name is Martina Mangova

Sports scientist, Luna Yoga®️ and hormone yoga teacher, hormone specialist, translator

I was born in Znojmo (Czech Republic), grew up bilingually and have been living across borders since my youth. I was born with the joy of movement in my cradle. Already at a young age I recognized movement and sports as an important part of my life, although in the 80s/90s the approach to the body was quite different. The most important thing was performance. Breathing and relaxation were not an issue back then. After studying sports science, I worked as a business woman and also enjoyed leading classes in aerobics, callanetics and Pilates. This meant that my body had to function around the clock both in my professional life and then as a mother of three children. As a result, one day I was completely burned out and forced to completely rethink my approach to my body, womanhood and performance.

Luna Yoga and Hormone Yoga helped me a lot in this process. I was amazed at how quickly and powerfully the effective breathing and energy directing techniques improved my condition, and was more energized day by day. Chronic fatigue and acne (after stopping the pill) was gone after a couple of weeks. With the mindful exercises at my own pace, I learned to perceive my own limits. I no longer had to fight against my body's needs, but could also use my female cycle more and more as a natural source of strength. This was a completely new attitude towards life for me and from then on formed the cornerstone of my research interest: How much can yoga positively influence the hormonal events of the body?

In 2004 I started to train as a teacher in Luna Yoga and in 2006 in Hormone Yoga in different courses. I started teaching and passing on my knowledge. It quickly became clear that hormonal difficulties in women and men are a widespread phenomenon in the Czech Republic as well. Especially Hormon Yoga according to Dinah Rodrigues (Brazil) inspired me to experiment with my own exercises, to try out new things, so that after more than fifteen years, in addition to Luna Yoga and Hormon Yoga, I now also teach my own experiences as the "Mangova Method".

For me, not only physical exercises are crucial. A certain sequence of relaxation, tension and breathing in combination with a gentle activation of the glands has a harmonizing effect on the hormone status for both women and men. Thereby the strengthening of fertility (for women) and the improvement of the spermiogram (for men) is an ever-growing topic. Also for prevention in the sense of anti-aging, there are now a number of proven exercises.

What is important to me in private lessons:
I was born under the zodiac sign of Leo with Virgo ascendant. This is an ideal mixture of enthusiasm paired with attention to detail. Both traits accompany me in my life and benefit me greatly, especially in yoga classes. Even after many years, I still enjoy passing on my knowledge and responding to the very individual needs of women and men in an intimate atmosphere.

My offers for women/men:
* Luna Yoga
* Luna Yoga sequence for ovulation or menstruation
* Hormone Yoga
* Yoga for childbearing
* Yoga for menopause (also premature)
* Hygiene of the vertebral column (30 min)
* Yoga/exercises according to Mojzisova
* Exercises according to "Mangova method

Price for a single lesson (60 min): € 120.-


My services for you at hotel Goldener Berg:

Tridosha Balancing Yoga

This yoga series is rooted in the traditional Kaula-Tantra system and is grounded in Ayurveda. Ideally, it is practiced later in the day or in the evening. Tridosha Balancing Yoga can be seen as a full-body meditation. The main pose is Savasana (relaxation on the floor), from which we transition into various asanas (postures) that we hold for longer periods. This series is designed to harmonize all layers of the self. On a physical level, it calms the nervous system and balances the hormonal system. This therapeutic yoga practice can also aid in recovery from trauma, burnout, and depression.
The flow is: therapeutic and stress reducing

60 minutes € 120.00
Gruppen Session ab 3 Pers. p.P 60 minutes € 25.00
Yin & Restorative Yoga

Yin Yoga (rooted in the Chinese medical system) works deeply into the connective tissue to release tension and activate change. It is an excellent practice when you feel stuck, stiff, or stressed. Yin Yoga is a very effective method for increasing flexibility, as it focuses on the areas around the joints. The poses are typically held for several minutes with as little effort as possible.

Restorative Yoga helps restore and support a body and mind in need of healing. We use bolsters, pillows, and blocks to ensure maximum comfort. The most interesting aspect of both yoga styles is that they invite you to feel. Instead of rushing from breath to breath through the asanas, both Restorative and Yin Yoga cultivate a powerful inner awareness. You become aware of the sensations in your body and the energy flowing through it. You will notice subtle changes in your body and mind—both during practice and in daily life!
The flow is: passive and calm

60 minutes € 400.00
Gruppen Session (ab 3 Pers.) p.P. 60 minutes € 25.00