My name is Daniela Pfefferkorn

Shaman, life and nutrition consultant

Present as a therapist at Golden Mountain: 
tuesdays and thursdays

All my life I've been out in nature as much as possible. I love it. It gives me strength, grounding, peace and holistic abundance. Throughout my life I try to do everything I can to use this, our Mother Earth, as gently as she treats us.

Peace, serenity, health - have always been important pillars of my life and things I have studied in depth.

For a long time I have been offering people advice on nutrition and energy work. I talk to animals and read for people in their morphic field.

Nutrition has been an important factor in my life since I was a child. Coupled with conscious movement in nature and the heart's desire to remain in the inner center, I have been studying all healing methods from around the world for many years.

With the now completed training as an energy medicine practitioner and health coach, the circle is now quite complete and a variety of treatments can be offered.

Here briefly to my training in the field of health, holism, energy medicine:

Trainings, seminars, lectures on the following topics:
Illness as a path - Dahlke, Quantum healing - Kinslow, The spiritual enneagram - Pruckner, Novotny, Activate your vision - Lumira, Spiritual healing - Urbanek, Archetypes of the soul - Hasselmann, Kryon school, Energetic cleaning of buildings and places, Working with Symbols, Time for Femininity - Richardson, Meditations according to Osho, Lemuria, The Origin of Time Quantum Physics - Hawking, The work - Byron Katie, Power of Devotion - Singer, The Awakened Consciousness - Tepperwein, The History of Philosophy - Precht, and many more.


1998 - 2000                            Training as a psychotherapist trainer; 12 weeks in total with diploma from the Biotic Institute Austria.

Summer 2001                        Acting training at the Beverly Hills Playhouse, LA, CA; USA

2006 - 2008                            Language training with Nicola Tiggeler

2007 - 2008                            Biotiversity I training 9 weeks in total - Biotic Institute Austria

2008 - 2009                            Biotiversity II training 9 weeks in total

2010                                        Training Eico Nutrition - Balanced Nutrition for the Eicosanoids - Hormones; Biotic Institute Austria

2011 - 2013                            Biotiversity III training 9 weeks in total

2011                                        Cooperation and training with nutritionist and inventor of the "Glyx - Principle" Marion Grillparzer

2014 - 2015                            Inner Circle Biotic Institute 9 weeks in total

2015                                        Training animal communication - Beate Seebauer

2015/16                                  Training MFL - Reading in the morphic field; MFL world, Kurt Zyprian Hörmann

2021                                        Training Waldbade Coach; German Academy for Forest Bathing and Health

2021                                        Training Lightworker - Barbara Fegerl; Seelenflüstern KG

2021                                        Training "The temple of the soul" - Barbara Fegerl; Seelenflüstern KG

2022/23                                  Training as Energy Medicine and Health Coach at the Four Winds Organization - Alberto Villoldo & Marcelle Lobos

Aug. 2023 - April 2025          Master's course in energy medicine; Four winds society

Jan. - March 2024                  Brain rewire; Gabriel Palacios Educational institute and therapy centre for Hypnosis and counselling therapy

It should be said: each person can only heal himself. The therapist can bring something out, bring it back, derive it. But the client must nurture it further on, otherwise you may feel a change in the short term, but very quickly lock back into the old structure. Tasks are part of the treatments. Everyone decides for himself how important change and health is to him.

So I am happy to offer you now the following treatments and consultations:

Reading in the morphic field with Daniela Pfefferkorn

We are all surrounded by energy and connected by this energy. In this, her morphic field are all the information of all times. For important questions about health, job, next step in life, a reading in this field can bring the answers and often confirm the feeling we already have.


30 minutes € 90.00
Alpine bathing with Daniela Pfefferkorn

Fascinating excursion into the nature with breathing techniques, meditation and awareness training.

50 minutes € 130.00
Nutritional counseling with Daniela Pfefferkorn

Talk about where you are now, where maybe the shoe pinches and which nutrition you can definitely lead to an increased well-being in your temple - your body.

50 minutes € 130.00
Extractions - draining of external power with Daniela Pfefferkorn

Most people are filled with energies from their childhood, but also from previous lives, which partially or completely withdraw the strength for life here. These can be removed on all levels to restore the flow of energy in the body and in life.

duration: 60-90 minutes 120 minutes € 185.00
Soul Retrieval - reintegrating lost soul parts with Daniela Pfefferkorn

With major traumas that we all experience and have also experienced in past lives, a healthy part of the soul splits off and we feel incomplete. We bring that part back to you to make you feel whole again.

duration: 60-90 minutes 120 minutes € 185.00
Oracle reading with Daniela Pfefferkorn

Do you have an important question? Do you want to change something in your life? What's stopping you? The stone oracle gives you important information and can already set something in motion.


50 minutes € 125.00
Work with Ancestors with Daniela Pfefferkorn

Our ancestors give us our life. Often, however, they still explain to us in adulthood energetically where it goes for us. We learn to lead them back to their own destiny and are free to go our own way.


duration: 60-90 minutes 120 minutes € 185.00
Find your purpose in life with Daniela Pfefferkorn

What did I come into this life for? What is my destiny, where is my journey going? This destiny can be tracked and re-integrated in order to be able to go straight on the path to your own happiness.


30 minutes € 65.00

What is the meaning of my life? What did I come here to do? Why does everything very often feel so hard? I asked myself these questions as a child. In my early 20's I embarked on a journey through many studies with many masters.

The shamans, which I have been studying for some time now, are about leaving this life, alive. But also about experiencing this life fully conscious. Many of us sleep even though we are awake. Schmanen want to be fully awake even though they are asleep. We can be awake even in our dreams and know that we are dreaming. Then we can understand this dream of our life and bring some more beauty and peace into this world - into this dream.

Furthermore, we probably only see 2% of everything that is. Everything is connected, everything is energy. Not only on this planet but in the whole universe. To feel this connection makes us whole again, complete. We are trusting that we are taken care of and connected to so many spiritual guides and helpers that we are free of fear.

Much I have understood, much is still to be recognized. If you are also pursuing these questions, I am looking forward to exchange and to bring in other points of view to one or the other topic and to be able to achieve physical, as well as mental and spiritual changes.

Holistic health at Golden Mountain - profound knowledge and great therapists

Health no longer comes automatically with us in our time. Already when we are born, but through a society that has very often lost the roots to our great mother and thus to itself, we also learn to wean ourselves. Yet it is our essence to be connected to everything.

This I have studied in depth, with western and eastern masters - I know it and more and more, the trust to everything that is is spreading in my being. A wonderful state, which only evokes one thing in me: deep gratitude for everything I was allowed to learn in the last 30 years and a great love for everything that surrounds me.